27.01.2025 - Online-Seminar: US Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) seen from the IP administrative perspective
27.01.2025 von 15:00 bis 16:00 Uhr
Please mind that this presentation is done in ENGLISH
US Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) seen from the IP administrative perspective
US Information Disclosure Statements sometimes create questions to European IP paralegals. Why do we need to do that? What´s the consequence if we do not do an IDS? What needs to be in the IDS? How to handle non-patent literature? What to do when the citation is not in English? The patent is in the granting process already – what to do now?
We try to give you answers to these questions and some best practices.
Elvira Renner, Siemens AG, Patentanwaltsfachangestellte
Craig Summerfield, Kanzlei Lemia, Summerfield, Katz, LLC, USA
Das Seminar findet online statt. Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei und ausschließlich für VPP-Mitglieder möglich.